Our Mission

Our mission is to engage and inspire learners. We’re a team of educators, workforce development experts and business professionals dedicated to changing the trajectory of students who have fallen behind and getting them back on track to a great future.


About Us

Star Academy is the product of New Orleans-based NOLA Education. The program’s history goes back to 2004, when a team of education experts and researchers in South Carolina designed a program to advance students held back at least one year, re-engage them in their learning, expose them to career options and improve attendance, discipline and social skills.

The program was so successful that it has spread to 14 states, with over 70 Star Academy locations having served over 20,000 students.

Built by educators, for educators

The NOLA Education executive team and staff is heavily weighted towards professionals who have spent many years as educators and curriculum experts, with a deep understanding of the challenges posed in keeping disengaged students from falling through the cracks. Only time spent in the classroom, particularly in schools serving the underserved, can impart this kind of experience. It shows every day in the deep knowledge and dedication of the people you see below.


Meet our Team


  • John-Alvendia-2
    Chief Executive Officer

    John Alvendia

  • virginia robinson
    Chief Education Officer

    Virginia Robinson

  • Jay-Wehrer-cropped
    Chief Operating Officer

    Jay Wehrer

Education Team

  • Courtney-Fangue-crop
    Curriculum Specialist

    Courtney Fangue

  • Sarah-Gros-3
    Education Support Specialist

    Sarah Gros

  • Heidi-Broussard-crop
    Education Support and Data Specialist

    Heidi Broussard

  • charone
    Education Support Specialist

    Charone Babineaux

  • Shannon-Charles-2
    Education Support Specialist

    Shannon Charles

  • Susan-Moore-150x150
    Education Support Specialist

    Susan Moore, Ed.D.

  • Jason-Owens-150x150
    Education Support Specialist

    Jason Owens

  • Dawn-150x150
    Education Support Specialist

    Dawn Weimer

  • victor
    Education Support Specialist

    Victor Lett

  • melissa
    Education Support Specialist

    Melissa Shatley

  • terry
    Curriculum Design Specialist

    Terry Carter

  • male-headshot
    Education Support Specialist

    Nichelle Phelps

  • michelle headshot
    Education Support Specialist

    Michelle McCoy

  • Pic 1
    Education Support Specialist

    Heather Taylor

  • Kyla
    Education Support Specialist

    Kyla Russell

  • Dana
    Education Support Specialist

    Dana McInyre

Operations Team

  • Kyle Clark
    Operations Manager

    Kyle Clark

  • Justin-Buchanan-square-150x150
    Warehouse Manager

    Justin Buchanan

  • Carter Kopel
    Supply Chain Associate

    Carter Kopel

  • Ken Goode
    Operations & Support Liaison

    Ken Goode

  • Procurement Specialist

    Kimberly Bentz

  • thumbnail_Molly
    Product Support Specialist

    Molly Hutton

Content Development Team

  • Paul-Alvendia-1
    Product Manager

    Paul Alvendia

  • thumbnail_Missy
    Video Production Manager

    Missy Sanders

Product Development Team

  • Ethan
    R&D Manager

    Ethan Anderson

  • brad-2
    Project Manager

    Brad Ayres

  • Project Manager

    Alex Beasley

Sales Team

  • Stephen-Uhlich-cropped
    Director of Sales

    Stephen Uhlich

  • bret
    Account Executive

    Brett McSherry

  • Keiths-Preferred-Pic-1-150x150
    Account Executive

    Keith Brown

  • thumbnail_Alix
    Subject Matter Expert

    Alix Chiccine

  • thumbnail_Miles
    Subject Matter Expert

    Miles Francis

Business Development Team

  • sam
    Charter Development Manager

    Sam Zimmer

Communications and Public Relations Team

  • 6682efe02154de821bb83b00-HeadshotPro
    PR Manager

    Lori Hoskins

  • Todd for website
    Data Specialist

    Todd Morrell

  • thumbnail_Mary
    Graphic Designer

    Mary Grace Ellis

  • Guy-2-Square-Crop-150x150
    Communication Manager

    Guy Lyman

Group 38

What Students and Educators are Saying About Star Academy

“Attendance has improved, disciplinary referrals have dropped, scores are improving. Star Academy is bringing noticeable changes.”

Lockwood Bonin, Assistant Principal, Franklin Junior High School, Franklin, LA

“It is hands-on and you get help when you want it. There are no distractions, the classes are smaller, and everyone is working on their own thing.”

Caleb, Explore Academy, Pine Bluff, AR

“Star Academy addresses the whole student, and equipped me with the tools I need to reach them where they’re at – both academically and behaviorally.”

Melissa Harris, Science Teacher, Mobile County Schools

“My experience with Star Academy is fantastic. I love doing experiments every day that show you how it is in the real world.”

Student, Franklin Junior High School, Franklin, LA

“You should see the joy on the faces of students when they are completing the science experiments.”

Administrator, Explore Academy, Pine Bluff, AR

“Star Academy is a life changer and I’m glad I did it. I encourage any student who needs to get back on track to be part of it.”

Dylan Lawrence, Former Student, George County Schools

“One of the main things parents say is that it gave them hope, and continues to give them hope, for their child’s future.”

Robert Goler, Principal, Mobile County Schools

Let's Connect

We’re passionate about building brighter futures for America’s youth. Let’s connect and discuss your program’s needs and how Star Academy could help create a positive impact in the lives of your students!